
Under the United Grand Lodge of England, The Old Reptonian Lodge, No. 3725, was founded in 1914 and was sponsored by The Lodge of Antiquity No. 2.

Many eminent ORs and members of staff have been members. It has consistently maintained its prestigious position as a respected London lodge and is one of the thirty five lodges that comprise the Public School Lodges’ Council, a forum for the private lodges of many of our great public schools.

The Lodge meets in London twice a year, at Freemasons’ Hall, and holds a dinner afterwards. It also meets once a year at Repton, after which the Headmaster is our principal guest at dinner. This provides a useful and enjoyable opportunity to keep in touch with developments at our old school.

The Lodge also contributes to other charitable causes through the United Grand Lodge of England, which distributes some £15 million every year.

All Freemasons are expected only to donate that which they can afford, without detriment to themselves or their families.

The Lodge meets on the last weekday in January, the third Wednesday in June (Installation Meeting) and the second Saturday in September.